== 4.3.4 (2015-07-05) * Remove erroneous 'Iodot' entity (a typo'd duplicate of Idot). == 4.3.3 (2014-12-25) * Remove duplicate hash entry that causes warnings in Ruby 2.2.0. == 4.3.2 (2014-05-31) * Ruby 1.8 is no longer supported == 4.3.1 (2011-11-30) * Fix bug when working with Rails 3/Ruby 1.8.7 * Make character encoding behaviour consistent in Ruby 1.9.2/1.9.3 == 4.3.0 (2011-03-29) * Use Ruby 1.9's encoding support where available. * Deprecated HTMLEntities.encode_entities/decode_entities interface is now removed. == 4.2.4 (2011-01-30) * Fix issue where double-escaped entities were not correctly escaped. Bug reported by Christian Kruse. == 4.2.3 (2011-01-07) * Additional entities from Junya Ishihara. * Performance improvements. == 4.2.1 (2010-04-05) * Fixed error on Ruby 1.8.x when $KCODE was not set to "UTF8". Thanks to Benoit Larroque for the bug report. == 4.2.0 (2009-08-24) * Added benchmarking code and improved performance. == 4.1.0 (2009-08-15) * Now works with Ruby 1.9.1 and JRuby. * Reverted lazy loading of entity mappings as this is not thread-safe. * Finally removed the deprecated String#encode_entities and #decode_entities methods. == 4.0.1 (2008-06-03) * Added :expanded charset -- the ~1000 SGML entities from ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/VENDORS/MISC/SGML.TXT (extra code by Philip (flip) Kromer , entity info from John Cowan #) == 4.0.0 (2007-03-15) * New instantiation-based interface (but legacy interface is preserved for compatibility. * Handles HTML4 as well as XHTML1 (the former lacks the ' entity). * Encodes basic entities numerically when :basic isn't specified and :decimal or :hexadecimal is. * Performs a maximum of two gsub passes instead of three when encoding, which should be more efficient on long strings. == 3.1.0 (2007-01-19) * Now understands all the entities referred to in the XHTML 1.0 DTD (253 entities compared with 131 in version 3.0.1). * Calls to_s on parameters to play nicely with Rails 1.2.1. * Entity mapping data is now lazily loaded. == 3.0.1 (2005-04-08) * Improved documentation. == 3.0.0 (2005-04-08) * Changed licence to MIT due to confusion with previous 'Fair' licence (my intention was to be liberal, not obscure). * Moved basic functionality out of String class; for previous behaviour, require 'htmlentities/string'. * Changed version numbering scheme. * Now available as a Gem. == 2.2 (2005-11-07) * Important bug fixes -- thanks to Moonwolf. * Decoding hexadecimal entities now accepts 'f' as a hex digit. (D'oh!) * Decimal decoding edge cases addressed. * Test cases added. == 2.1 (2005-10-31) * Removed some unnecessary code in basic entity encoding. * Improved handling of encoding: commands are now automatically sorted, so the user doesn't have to worry about their order. * Now using setup.rb. * Tests moved to separate file. == 2.0 (2005-08-23) * Added encoding to entities. * Decoding interface unchanged. * Fixed a bug with handling high codepoints. == 1.0 (2005-08-03) * Initial release. * Decoding only.